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English Courses

Sunday, March 09, 2025

UA-PTC Student

ENGL 0111. Composition Review

This course provides practice in writing from paragraph construction to essay writing and an overview of correcting and identifying common writing errors. ENGL 0111 is to be taken concurrently with ENGL 1311. Prerequisites: A score of 18 or less on the English section of the ACT, or a score of 82 or less on the Accuplacer Sentence Skills section, or a score of 79 or less on the COMPASS Writing Skills Placement. This course requires an online learning component. The final grade will be A, B, C, or NC (no credit). 2 contact hours. (1 credit hour)

ENGL 1311. English Composition I

ACTS # ENGL 1013

This course teaches principles and techniques of expository and persuasive composition, analysis of texts with an introduction to research methods, and critical thinking. Prerequisites: A score of 19 or above on the English section of the ACT, a score of 83 or above on the Accuplacer Sentence Skills Placement test, a score of 80 or above on the COMPASS Writing Skills placement test, or ENGL 0111 with a grade of “C” or higher. (3 credit hours)

ENGL 1312. English Composition II 

ACTS # ENGL 1023

This course offers further study of principles and techniques of expository and persuasive composition, analysis of texts, research methods, and critical thinking. Prerequisites: ENGL 1311 (or an equivalent course) with a grade of “C” or better, and a score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the Accuplacer Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

ENGL 2313. Creative Nonfiction 

This workshop/lecture class focuses on writing creative nonfiction essays. This genre, also known as literary journalism, gives accounts of actual events and people with artistry and literary technique. Students read and analyze such work and compose original creative nonfiction of their own, with emphasis on elements such as style, grace, and voice. Prerequisites: ENGL 1311 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours) (On demand)

ENGL 2330. Creative Writing I 

ACTS # ENGL 2013

This course helps students gain practical experience in the techniques of writing poetry and fiction. Prerequisite: ENGL 1311 with a grade of “C” or better or consent of instructor. (3 credit hours)

ENGL 2331. Creative Writing II 

This is an intermediate level workshop/lecture course designed to build on the concepts introduced in Creative Writing I. The main focus of the course is the improvement of student writing of original work in multiple genres. Emphasis is placed on studying the fundamental techniques, theory, and practice of creative writing. Requirements for the course include reading and detailed discussion of student and published writing. Prerequisite: ENGL 2330 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

ENGL 2333. English Literature from the Beginning to 1785 

ACTS # ENGL 2673

Selected works for British literature from its beginnings through the Restoration are studied in this course. Prerequisites: ENGL 1311 and ENGL 1312 with a grade of “C” or better in ENGL 1312. (3 credit hours)

ENGL 2334. English Literature from 1785 to the Present

ACTS # ENGL 2683

Selected works of British literature from the Restoration to present are studied in this course. Prerequisites: ENGL 1311 and ENGL 1312 with a grade of “C” or better in ENGL 1312. (3 credit hours)

ENGL 2335. American Literature from the Beginning to 1865 

ACTS # ENGL 2653

This course presents selected works of American literature from its beginnings to 1865. Prerequisites: ENGL 1311 and ENGL 1312 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

ENGL 2336. American Literature from 1865 to the Present 

ACTS # ENGL 2663

This course presents selected works of American literature from 1865 to present. Prerequisites: ENGL 1311 and ENGL 1312 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

ENGL 2337. World Literature from the Beginning to 1650

ACTS # ENGL 2113

Selected significant works of world literature from ancient, medieval, and Renaissance periods are studied in this course. It includes the study of movements, schools and periods. Prerequisites: ENGL 1311 and ENGL 1312 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

ENGL 2338. World Literature from 1650 to the Present 

ACTS # ENGL 2123

Selected significant works of world literature from the Renaissance to the present are studied in this course. It includes the study of movements, schools, and periods. Prerequisites: ENGL 1311 and ENGL 1312 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

ENGL 2340. Mythology 

This course provides a general overview of mythology and its relationship to ancient and contemporary cultures. It covers the different purposes and types of myths; the development of myths and mythological characters; the primary characteristics of deities and heroes in myth. Prerequisites: ENGL 1311 and ENGL 1312 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

ENGL 2370. Introduction to Fiction 

This class focuses on analyzing the craft and significance of fiction. Students read short stories, novellas, and short novels and discuss, analyze, and write about those works. Prerequisites: ENGL 1311 and 1312 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours) (On demand)

ENGL 2380. Introduction to Poetry

This class focuses on analyzing the craft and significance of poetry. Students read poems and discuss, analyze, and write about those works. Prerequisites: ENGL 1311 and 1312 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours) (On demand)

ENGL 2390. Introduction to Drama 

This class focuses on analyzing the craft and significance of drama. Students read dramatic works and discuss, analyze, and write about those works. Prerequisites: ENGL 1311 and 1312 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours) (On demand)