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Possible Professions

Saturday, July 27, 2024

UA-PTC Student

When deciding upon an Associate of Science in Liberal Arts and Sciences degree at UA - Pulaski Tech, below are possible professions after completing a four-year degree related to disciplines offered in this department.

Anthropology Professions

  • Urban planning
  • Legal advocacy
  • Green Peace
  • Peace Corp
  • Heifer International
  • Social and political activism
  • Military consulting
  • Ethnographic studies for business and industry
  • Research and development
  • NGO and non-profit management
  • Social service organizations
  • Academics

History Professions

  • Museums and Historical Organizations
  • Cultural Resources Management and Historic Preservation
  • Think Tanks
  • Education
  • Writers and Editors
  • Journalists
  • Documentary Editors
  • Producers of Multimedia Material
  • Archivists
  • Records managers
  • Librarians
  • Information Managers
  • Litigation Support
  • Legislative Staff Work
  • Foundations
  • Historians in Corporations
  • Contract Historians
  • Historians and Nonprofit Associations

Political Science Professions

  • Law
  • Consulting
  • Research
  • Business and finance
  • State, local, and federal government
  • Elected office and campaign management
  • Journalism, media and communications
  • Community service
  • Advocacy
  • Non-governmental and non-profit organizations
  • Teaching

Psychology Professions

  • Counseling
  • Addiction Counselor
  • Mental Health Technician
  • Social Work
  • Psychologist
  • School Counselor
  • Psychiatric Nursing
  • Occupational Therapy

Sociology Professions

  • Education
  • Social research
  • Journalism
  • Human Resources
  • Probation officer
  • Law enforcement
  • Business
  • Public Relations
  • Social work
  • Urban planning
  • Legal advocacy
  • Community center administration
  • Municipal government
  • NGO and non-profit management
  • Social service organizations
  • Academics