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Course Descriptions

Sunday, February 09, 2025
UA-PTC Students


ANTH 2310. Cultural Anthropology


This course is a study of the key concepts, methods and theories of cultural diversity, social institutions, linguistics, and an examination of people and cultures around the world. Prerequisite: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, a score of 78 or above on the Accuplacer Reading Comprehension Placement test a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

Criminal Justice

CRJU 2300. Introduction to Criminal Justice


This course is an overview of the history, philosophy, and development of the criminal justice system, emphasizing an understanding of law enforcement, the courts and corrections, and their respective roles in accomplishing the missions of the American criminal justice system. (3 credit hours)


HIST 1311. History of Civilization I


This course is a study of world civilizations to the early modern period. Prerequisite or corequisite: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the Accuplacer Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

HIST 1312. History of Civilization II


This course is a study of world civilizations since the early modern period. Prerequisite or corequisite: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the Accuplacer Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

HIST 2311. U.S. History to 1877


This course is a survey of United States history through the Civil War era. Prerequisite: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the Accuplacer Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

HIST 2312. U.S. History since 1877


This course is a survey of United States history since the Civil War era. Prerequisite: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the Accuplacer Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

HIST 2355. History of Arkansas

This course covers physiographic and demographic patterns; exploration, settlement and political, social, and economic evolution of Arkansas from the Spanish and French excursions to the present; and contemporary policies and government in Arkansas. For teacher certification or elective only. Prerequisites: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or a score of 78 or above on the Accuplacer Reading Comprehension Placement test, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

Political Science

POLS 1310. American National Government


This course is an introduction to the principles, structure, processes, and functions of the United States federal government and other related political activities. (3 credit hours) (O)

POLS 2320. American State and Local Government

ACTS # PLSC 2103

This course is an introduction to the organization, structure, functions, and administration of state and local governments. Recommended prerequisite: ENGL 1311. (3 credit hours) (O)


PSYC 2300. Psychology and the Human Experience


This course is an overview of major topics in modern psychology, the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. As a first course in the discipline of psychology, it introduces some of the fundamental concepts, principles, and theories with a consideration for the complexity of human behavior. Prerequisites: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the Accuplacer Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

PSYC 2320. Developmental Psychology


This course is a survey course covering the processes and domains of human development from conception through the whole lifespan. Prerequisite: PSYC 2300 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

PSYC 2330. Abnormal Psychology

This course is the study of the etiology and treatment of abnormal behavior and the psychological processes involved. This includes a comprehensive analysis of the clinical and developmental aspects in regards to psychological disorders as well as the diagnostic categories, treatment, and prevention. Prerequisite: PSYC 2300 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

PSYC 2340. Behavioral Statistics

This course is designed to facilitate the understanding and analysis of data in psychological research as well as in other related fields. This includes, but is not limited to, the study of descriptive statistics and probability distributions, inferential statistics, and data analysis. Prerequisite: MATH 1302 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)


SOCI 2300. Introduction to Sociology


This course is an introduction to the theories, concepts and basic principles used in the study of group life, social institutions and social processes. Prerequisites: A score of 19 or above on the Reading section of the ACT, or a score of 78 or above on the Accuplacer Reading Comprehension Placement test, or a score of 83 or above on the COMPASS Reading Placement, or completion of READ 0300 (Foundations of Literacy) with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

SOCI 2333. Social Problems


The application of sociological principles to the investigation of major social problems currently faced by societies is the focus of this course. Prerequisite: SOCI 2300 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)

Social Work

SOWK 1301. Introduction to Social Work

This course covers the historical background and description of social work in the areas of medicine, psychiatry, public assistance, social insurance, and community service, with emphasis on the function of the social worker, professional standards, and ethics. Prerequisite: SOCI 2300 with a grade of “C” or better. (3 credit hours)