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3D Program Application and Admissions Process

Sunday, February 09, 2025
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UA-PTC 3D Students

Welcome to the 3D application process!

We are now accepting applications! Our full application packet will be linked below for you to download. Those who do not have access to a printer may call our office at (501) 800-3246 to request a mailed packet. We recommend that you contact us to schedule a tour before completing the application process.

We must receive all of the documents on the list below to process your application.

Applications are accepted from September 1 through April 1 for fall semester admission. Interviews will take place in April. This affords newly admitted students ample time to secure Financial Aid before the May 15 deadline.

3D Application Packet

When we receive completed applications, we will review them and follow up with you via email. If you are selected to continue to the next step, we will contact you to schedule an interview. Please note that additional paperwork will be required upon admission.

Interview Process

There is a three-part interview process.

  • Student will be interviewed alone and provide a reading / writing sample
  • Supporters will be interviewed without the student
  • Student will participate in a hands on interview in the kitchen with other applicants

An interview does not guarantee your acceptance. Upon completion of all interviews, you will be notified via letter of your acceptance or denial to the 3D Program. If accepted, you will be invited to the 3D Program Summer Orientation

Please send your complete admissions packet to:

Bailey Smith
3D Program
University of Arkansas – Pulaski Technical College Little Rock-South
13000 Interstate 30 Frontage Rd.
Little Rock, AR 72210

Scholarship Opportunity

The Arkansas Governor’s Commission on People with Disabilities offers several student scholarships each year. Further information can be found on the Arkansas Department of Career Education website. The application deadline is early March.