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Student Senate

Thursday, October 10, 2024

UA-PTC Campus Center Building in North Little Rock

Student Government Association is now Student Senate!

Student Senate is an elected body of students who listen to student needs and work with Faculty and Staff Senates to help facilitate student participation in the college's shared governance process. Formerly known as the Student Government Association, or SGA, Student Senate ensures that student voices are heard.

If you have a desire to be more involved in campus affairs, to work with the student body at large, to engage with faculty and staff, and to help further develop UA-PTC, then Student Senate might be of interest to you.

Student Senate is an elected position. The position comes with hefty responsibilities that could affect your schedule so please consider your on-and-off-campus commitments. If you can make Student Senate a priority in your schedule, please e-mail Braden D Taylor at for more information.