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Frequently Asked Questions

Friday, March 14, 2025

1. Where is Counseling Services located?

The Office of Counseling Services is located in the Campus Center Building, Room 241 (Main Campus) and  Student Services, Room 105E (Little Rock-South).

2. What are the hours of operation?

Our office is open Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.

3. Are there any costs for services?

There are no additional fees for counseling or related services. Counseling services are free of charge to UA-PTC students.

4. How do I schedule an appointment with a counselor?

Contact the Office of Counseling Services at (501) 812-2288 or stop by the office during hours of operation.

5. How often do I attend counseling sessions?

Your schedule is determined by you and your counselor. Sessions are approximately 50 minutes.

6. Will my professors or family members find out that I am seeing a counselor?

Absolutely NOT. Counseling files and records are kept separately from your academic file. Some exceptions to confidentiality do apply. Your counselor may need to share information in the event of a psychological emergency requiring hospitalization or in circumstances involving your safety or the safety of others. When these exceptions occur, you will be informed.

7. Are there limits to the number of counseling sessions?

There are no session limits as long as you're enrolled at UA-PTC. Referrals to the community are made for students with mental health needs that require a higher level of care.

8. What do I do in case of an emergency?

For immediate emergencies, contact the UA-PTC Police Main Campus Duty Phone: (501) 580-1831, Little Rock South Duty Phone: (501) 626-7152 or dial 911. Students in crisis during hours of operation may be seen on a walk-in basis.

9. Who is eligible for your services?

All students enrolled at UA-PTC are eligible for services. There are no additional charges for any of the clinical services offered.