After reviewing other two year colleges and universities Active Shooter videos, the UA-PTC Police Department has developed their own active shooter procedure video. The purpose of this video is to provide optional scenarios on what to do if an active shooter situation was to take place on campus. DISCLAIMER: An individual must use his/her own discretion during an active shooter event as to whether he/she chooses to run to safety or remain in place. However, best practices for surviving an active shooter event are listed below.
REMEMBER: Law Enforcement’s first priority is to confront and disable the threat.
If you hear shots or see weapons:
Evacuate: Leave the area immediately. If necessary, break windows or glass to get out of the area. Run in the opposite direction of the disturbance or shots, cover your head with books or other items for protection. DO NOT stop running until you are in a safe area. If police officers are in the area, listen and comply with all of their commands. Raise your hands or keep them in plain sight so you are not perceived as a threat to the police.
Hide: If you choose to stay in your room. Do not leave until instructed to do so by a police officer. LOCK YOUR DOOR! Stay away from and below any window. Position furniture or other items in front of the door. Turn off the lights and call 911.
Defend: If the first two options do not work, defend yourself and those around you. Utilize any objects available to you to distract or interrupt the actions of the shooter.
Police and Public Safety Resources